DDS for Robotics Course - Python
Learn how DDS works for ROS2-based robots.
Course Summary
Learn how DDS works for ROS2-based robots and solve DDS-related problems when your robotics system is not working.
What you will learn
Learn how DDS works for ROS2-based robots and solve DDS-related problems when your robotics system is not working.
Course Overview
Introduction to DDS for Robotics course.
Linux Networking
Introduction to basics of Linux networking.
Network Analysis with Wireshark
Use wireshark to analyze a network and understand how RTPS packets are travelling.
DDS as ROS 2 Middleware
Introduction to DDS as the middleware of ROS 2.
DDS Use Case: TurtleBot 4
This unit studies the practical case of the DDS network in a popular open source robot: the TurtleBot 4.
DDS Discovery
Introduction of discovery traffic and the limitations it imposes on wireless DDS networks.
DDS XML Configuration Files
Learn how to configure DDS settings in both CycloneDDS and Fast DDS using an XML configuration file.
Introduction to Zenoh. Learn how to fix DDS issues with Zenoh.
A look into Vulcanexus and the tools it provides to alleviate DDS issues.
Project - Section 1
Project - Section 1
Project - Section 2
Project - Section 2
Project - Section 3
Project - Section 3
Rodrigo Gonzalez
Head of Robotics at The Construct