ROS2 Basics in 5 Days (C++) Course - C++
Learn ROS2 basics now. It doesn't matter if you are new to ROS or a veteran, ROS2 is here to stay.

Course Summary
ROS 2 is finally here! This introductory course is designed for both new ROS users and experienced ROS 1 users looking to transition to ROS 2.
ROS 2 introduces many new features that will gain traction in the coming years. This course focuses on the fundamental concepts needed to get started with ROS 2, rather than diving into its more advanced features, which will be covered in specialized courses.
What you will learn
- Creation of ROS2 packages
- Management of the new Colcon universal building system.
- Topic Publishers and subscribers in ROS2 C++.
- New Launch system based on python
- Service servers and client generation for ROS2.
- Usage of executors and callback groups to manage multithreading in ROS2.
- Use of Debbuging tools in ROS2.
Course Overview
Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.

Alberto Ezquerro
Making easier the way the people learn how to program robots.

Robots used
Neobotix MP-400 robot

TurtleBot 3 robot