URDF for Robot Modeling in ROS2 Course - Python
Understanding robot modeling using URDF in ROS2
Course Summary
As human beings, we learn from a very young age about our body’s structure: which bones and muscles are part of it, how they are connected between them, how we can move each articulation, etc.
For a robot, though, how can we know all this information? Well, this is exactly what URDF files are going to tell us. URDF files define the structure of a robot, the connection between all the different parts, etc.
In this course, you will understand how URDF files work, and how to create them for any robot.
What you will learn
- How to build a visual robot model with URDF
- How to add physical properties to a URDF Model (Collision, Frictions…)
- How to use XACRO to clean up URDF files.
- How to use URDF in Gazebo-ROS ecosystem.
- How to use URDF-XACRO in ROS2 systems
Course Overview
Building a Robot Model with URDF
Learn the use of URDF files and the tools to help you create your first PixarLike robot.
MicroProject: Create URDF file for two wheeled robot
Create a wheeled robot urdf
Using URDF for Gazebo
Learn how to spawn a robot URDF in Gazebo
Moving the robot
Learn how to add plugins that make your robot model move
Add sensors to your robot model
Xacro format
Robot assembly exporting
Learn how to export a CAD assembly from Onshape to a URDF file
Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.
Robots used
box_bot robot
nanosaur robot
teslabot robot
Learning Path
Get started with ROS2