ROS RViz Advanced Markers Course - Python
Learn how to use RViz Advanced Markers for debugging and visualization

Course Summary
Visualizing data in the correct way is vital to extract meaningful conclusions. This is specially true in Robotics.
One of the problems you always tend to have in robotics is to know what the robot is actually seeing, what is the virtual representation of the world in his mind. Its also very important to represent visually complex data in one place only.
That's why RViz
and all its markers and plugins have made robotics much user friendly and powerful than ever before!
What you will learn
- How to use Basic
RViz Markers
. - How to Create BoundingBoxes Arrays that change dynamically.
- How to add Overlay text, graphs and menus in RViz.
- Draw TFTRajectories, RobotFootsteps and occupancy grids that change based on real robot data.
- Draw pictograms from FontAwsome to represent detections and real object in the world
- Represent TwistStamped commands issued to the robot
- Create Interactive displays in RViz that allow to execute programs from RViz with custom icons.
- Record videos of RViz
Course Overview
RvizMarkers Unit 0: Presentation in ROS
RvizMarkers Unit 1: Basic Markers
RvizMarkers Unit 2: BoundingBoxes, RobotFootsteps, PolygonArray ,Ocupancy grids, Pictograms
RvizMarkers Unit3: Add Overlays
RvizMarkers Unit 4: Add Custom Panels to RVIZ and Extras
Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.

Robots used
Haro robot robot