Jenkins Basics for Robotics Course - Python
Learn how to achieve continuous integration for robotics development

Course Summary
Jenkins is a very popular Java-based open source continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) server. It supports a variety of (open source) plugins for extending its features and, therefore, is potentially very powerful.
In this course, you’ll learn the basics to start using Jenkins to develop your robotics projects.
What you will learn
- Jenkins installation and initial setup
- Jenkins jobs
- Managing Users and Security
- Jenkins Pipelines
- Source Code Management Integration
- Test Integration
- Jenkins CLI
Course Overview
What is Jenkins? Why do I need to learn about it?
Installation and Initial Setup
Create a script to install Jenkins and complete the initial, basic setup
Jenkins Jobs (Part 1)
A Jenkins job is one or more tasks you want Jenkins to perform at any point in time. In this unit, you will create your first basic Jenkins job.
Jenkins Jobs (Part 2)
Learn to add parameters and chain two or more Jenkins jobs
Managing Users and Security
Learn to manage authentication and authorization and assign and manage user roles in Jenkins
Jenkins Pipeline is a set of plugins that implement continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. In this unit, you will learn all the basics to start working with them.
Source Code Management Integration
Learn how to integrate Git repositories into Jenkins jobs and pipelines
Test Integration
Learn how to run tests as part of your Jenkins jobs and pipeline
Jenkins CLI
Learn how to use the Jenkins Command Line Interface (CLI)
Continuous integration with ROS
Learn how to create a Jenkins pipeline for automated testing on a ROS package
Put under test your knowledge of Jenkins!
Bayode Aderinola
Making the cloud accessible to the robots of the world

Robots used
Parrot AR.Drone robot

TurtleBot 3 robot

Learning Path
DevOps for Robotics